Archetypen des Alltags
Neue Arbeiten von Clever Quiroz in der Galerie der Villa
Etwas Magisches durchzieht die mannigfaltigen Arbeiten von Clever Quiroz, die sich in der dritten Dimension skulpturaler Objekte ebenso entfalten wie in den Bildräumen der Malerei.for english version please scroll down
Archetypes of Everyday Life
New works by Clever Quiroz at the Galerie der Villa
Something magical is inherent in Clever Quiroz’s varied works that unfold in the third dimension of sculpture as well as in the pictorial spaces of painting. The artist’s fairytale creatures unite organic and technoid aspects, nature and culture, coincidence and composition, the principles of creation and disintegration. Quiroz recreates the cycles of being in aesthetic transformation and alchemical recycling procedures, in the course of which found objects and personal impressions become complex works of art. In the process, nothing is lost, but rather undergoes metamorphoses in the potentially boundless terrain of the imagination: with pieces of wire, torn mesh bags, frayed ropes, bent paper clips, defective plastic reflectors, and metal soda can pull-tabs, the artist renders wondrous animal and human figures, in which everyday reality and mythos are conflated. Clever Quiroz, born in 1970 in Ecuador, arrived in Hamburg in 2006 and qualified himself here as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant. His journey to the northern German harbor city took him through Columbia, Venezuela, Paris, Barcelona, and Frankfurt. Already as a child he painted incessantly, experimenting with leftover paint. He honed his keen interest in artisanal activities in his uncle’s auto repair shop in Ecuador, where he worked in his youth for a number of years while pursuing training as an industrial mechanic. Subsequently, he completed evening school with a specialization in computer programming. Wherever he later resided, Quiroz obtained canvas and paint, producing pictures and objects in the “mini studio” of his apartment. Since 2012, he has been focusing entirely on the creation of art. He discovers the materials for his graceful objects along the local Elbe river or in forest areas: the detritus of prosperity heedlessly deposited in the realm of nature by the side of hiking trails, in bodies of water, and on the river bank, appalling and inspiring the artist in equal measure. The artist’s filigree figurations composed of cast-off and discarded items are implicitly also a critique of our affluent society and of the thoughtless actions of those who pollute the environment, carelessly destroying it in passing with their litter. Quiroz’s phantasmagorical objects counter our throwaway (anti-)culture and its constant production of waste with the idea of creative transformation through aesthetic appropriation and reinterpretation. Concerned with sharpening the former’s awareness of the latter, the artist refers to man and nature as central themes of his work. He addresses the major issues of human life with playful seriousness, gentle humor, and existential depth, embarking into the ethereal realm of spirituality as well. His fallen angels and high-tech demons, who are caught in the endless loops of ceaseless data streams, his delicate Madonna figures and sleeping earth goddesses, sculptural snakes, lizards, horses, and mice embody archetypes that are of significance across the eras and cultures.
This expansion into a language of symbols that interconnects individual and collective experience is also characteristic of his paintings. Often glowing in bright colors, partially provided with dark contour-lines, partially blurred and in the process of dissolution, the artist’s motifs are no less the expression of a unique personal cosmos than of a universe that is familiar and a home to all of us. We inhabit this planet together and also share the responsibility for its survival. This message pervades all of Clever Quiroz’s works like a visual undertone that is both melancholic and full of hope. Belinda Grace Gardner<
geboren / born 1970 in Tulcán, Ecuador
lebt und arbeitet / lives and works in Hamburg
Clever Quiroz, Galerie der Villa, Bellealliancestr., Hamburg
Bellealliance #4 Ohne Ende, Galerie der Villa, Bellealliancestr., Hamburg
Benefiz-Versteigerung, Künstlerhaus FAKTOR e.V., Hamburg
© Galerie der Villa 2024