Texte Texts
Belinda Grace
Gardner, Peter Heidenwag, Wolf Jahn, Corinna Koch, Katha Schulte
Hrsg. Editor
Peter Heidenwag, Corinna Koch
26 x 21 cm, Softcover
112 Seiten Pages, 47 Farbbilder Colour Pictures
24 Schwarzweissbilder Black-and-White Images
15 Euro
inkl. 7% zzgl. Versandkosten
incl. 7% VAT plus shipping costs
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E-Mail: produkte@GaleriederVilla.de
Die Publikation erscheint begleitend zur
Ausstellunng Mehr als zu viel, präsentiert anlässlich des
10-jährigen Jubiläums der Galerie der Villa in der Galerie Conradi,
Hamburg 2011.
Weitere Infos: www.textem.de
takes the principle of excess as the starting point of a curatorial
approach, an excess of material formed over a period of ten years of
growing structures and working processes, of a continually increasing
number of participants. A tendency to abundance inherent in every work,
in and of itself. Then confrontation and simultaneity become transferred
to the physical space, layering of inscriptions, overwriting and mutual
commentary instead of isolation of the individual parts. To deal with
the phenomenon of sensory overload, this exhibition practice arranges
various alignments through the rooms, which are not closed off from one
another but are to be viewed in their coexistence. Because the labels
that already divide up the medial space are of less interest than the
correspondences between artistic methods of production in their
This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition
Mehr als zu viel / More than too much presented on the occasion of the
10th anniversary of the Galerie der Villa at the Galerie Conradi,
Hamburg 2011.
Find more information here: www.textem.de
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